Let’s do the thing (Poem)

Let’s start what we see in the name of Dracos Love and Harmony.
The world isn’t fair. People are selfish and can be cruel.
So pull out the world’s smallest violin and let spill a symphony.
Other people really do think that money is more than just a tool.
Money may not be to happiness the key, but a means to an end is destiny.

What’s good karma for one soul is bad karma for another; Get a clue.
The first thing to understand about me is I don’t live for the applause.
What doesn’t make these poems is more amazing than what does it’s true.
I’m not that humble, but discretion is necessary to my cause.
I can do the thing with humility and pride combined. That’s my cue.

So here I come and here I go, and education is key to success.
I do the thing; I’m in and out; Finish one goal and start another.
My methods aren’t orthodox, but they are effective to bless.
I learn what I learn, and in the most unusual way truth I discover.
If I don’t tell them what my motives are they can only second guess.

If madness is my MO and I’m mad-hat it doesn’t mean to question my sanity.
What I post here now is to explain, not for gaining pity or love.
It’s a necessary process to my game of doing the thing to help humanity.
I’ll do what I must to survive, an iron fist hidden in a velvet glove.
The words explain to people who see, and this is not showboating or vanity.

We can drop the Fool-speak and get real enough without giving away the game.
It’s my ambition to make a transition of enterprises to fund my causes.
Money is the means, not the goal, to achieving happiness the same.
With tricks and spells I can do things others can’t, commercial profit clauses.
Doing the thing remains for me more important than things like money and fame.

Now you may have heard a rumour or two about me. It’s exciting I know.
I’m the big scary monster, the bad guy, no matter what I do or say.
BS campaigns take many forms. Spiders weaving webs of deception set the show.
I’ll throw this reference in here, but it’s not my main point today.
Transitions are important enough to demand accountability for actions of a foe.

I intend to live forever, on this world I’ll be here awhile.
You can’t kill the undead, and you can’t win a holy war against me.
The thing about lies and bullshit is they don’t prove shit like a trial.
Trial option was never on the table; my death was always their intention you see?
They’re left wondering why I’m still alive, and why I’m sporting a smile.

My enemies played the long game, and failed to win it in time.
This conflict ends with a lawsuit, and Gs aren’t the ones I blame.
If you motivate people with deception to maim or kill this is a crime.
Once the wheel of fortune is set in motion who prosecutes who in the game?
This evil genius isn’t running the show expressed here in this rhyme.

Poetry battles are at least several centuries old, done on the streets.
They predate America and were popular in Britain some kinda way.
The only difference between rap battles and poetry battles is the beats.
If you see this as rap or poetry battles on one side you understand today.
The goal is to explain, but be cryptic. This helps foes face defeats.

The fighting see it clear my dear, but not everything in my karma is war.
I’m just stuck in the place I’m at until I transition into the new.
Feel free to read along, the law of the strong says there could be more.
If you make me conflict with people I have no beef with, pay the devil’s due.
The dire warnings are expressed out of the love I professed, yet many ignore.

Would you like to play a game called let me bless you?
There are tests, ordeals and rules and all these are unannounced.
Different people can play and win different things from me too.
It’s all about maintaining my karma or is that dharma pronounced?
I’ll play through the journey with my rhymes until each game is through.

Once you win my game all you can do is fuck it up from here.
You got your prize, now move on and be blessed in life.
I keep a small circle of friends by invitation only my dear.
I’m not looking to make friends from doing the thing with my strife.
If you won my game then you should have of me no fear.

Published by The Magus: 56

I write occult works on my blog "The Magus" and my website The Joker Intelligence Agency as a free public service for religious usage as explained in detail on the websites.

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